What is an ANBI status?
The OneHeartMalawi foundation has an ANBI-status which means Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling, or Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) in English. To be an ANBI the OneHeartMalawi foundation must meet certain requirements. For example, our efforts must almost entirely be committed to the public benefit and we are a non-profit organization. We have listed the benefits of this status for the foundation and its donors below. You can find more information on the ANBI status here. vinden.
The benefits
The OneHeartMalawi foundation does not pay Dutch inheritance tax or gift tax on gifts that the organization awards to the public benefit.
Natural and legal persons who donate to an ANBI can deduct their gifts from their Dutch income tax or corporate income tax. For the conditions, we would like to refer you to the website of the belastingdienst. The OneHeartMalawi foundation will refrain from providing advice about tax or other treatment of gifts and no rights can be derived from the information on this website.
The OneHeartMalawi foundation can only be an ANBI if the organization meets certain requirements. Therefore integrity requirements must be met, a minimum of 90% of the efforts must be focused on the public benefit, it is non-profit organization and no one may manage the organizations assets as its equity.
As an ANBI, the OneHeartMalawi foundation publishes information about the organization on this website. You can find our contact information and a yearly updated budget, policy plan and financial statement.
Our documentation
Budget 2023
Forecast of expected income and expenses.
Yearly report 2021
Our plan and guidelines to achieve impact in Malawi.
Jaarrekening 2023
Overview of the past year including finances.
Our information
Name of institution
“Stichting OneHeartMalawi”, also known as “OneHeartMalawi” or “OneHeartMalawi foundation”
Dutch Chamber of Commerce number
Legal Entities and Partnerships Identification Number (RSIN)
Contact information
Post: Stieltjesstraat 45, 6511AJ Nijmegen, Netherlands
Phone: +316 848 999 66
Goal of the institution
Give chances to people in Malawi by setting up and supporting projects. More information can be found here: Projects.
Description of policy plan
Our policy plan can be found here: Our documentation.
Functions and names of board members
The board consists of Johan Pijnenborg (chairman), Mariska Pijnenborg (secretary) and Aaron Mangawa (treasurer). You can read more about the board members at Our story.
Remuneration policy
The members of the board do not receive any remuneration for their activities. They are entitled to reimbursement of the costs incurred by them in the performance of their duties and approved by the board, provided they are not excessive and the costs are also included in the budget adopted for that year. The 2021 budget does not include any compensation for the members of the board.
Report of performed activities
You can find our activities here: Projects en Our documentation.
Financial responsibility
Our budget and financial statement can be found here: Our documentation.